the mozilla firefox browser never freezes or gives any error messages like internet explorer always does. will firefox browser stay this way or it will become infected like internet explorer too?
and also, why explorer became infected so bad?
Internet explorer browser always freezed. i downloaded mozilla firefox?microsoft excel
i had the same problem! now, i'm using firefox and i'm loooving it. :) it's faster than explorer and it never freezes.
explorer has become so infected because of the viruses.
Internet explorer browser always freezed. i downloaded mozilla firefox?microsoft updates internet explorer
Firefox is crap.
It is very overrated, used mostly by brainwashed, pimply-faced, male adolescent fanboys, who are badly in need of female companionship, and aging hippies with gray ponytails. People of their ilk wouldn't have a clue how to properly secure any browser.
Firefox leaks memory like a sieve.
Besides, most people just want a browser to access the internet with, not a cult religion!
Read the truth--Firefox Myths:
I have both firefox and Internet explorer,and in fact, both work excellent.however,firefox works faster while browsing.firefox is being updated almost regularly,and you can have the latest version,with improved if you are really averse to use Internet explorer,you could be rest assured that firefox will not get say about something "infected" .then my view is you have to check your p.c and upgrade it.
The reason why firefox is not targeted by hyjackers and hackers is because of it's security hole, why waste time writing a program to hack into firefox when you can just sit and watch, IE on the other hand presents a chalenge to hackers, not only is it the most popular browser, it is also the most secure, malware has to be installed to get past the security, that is why anyone with an ounce of sence, would set up their computer for microsoft automatic updates and do regular scans with spyware and adware programs.
you are having problems with your browser, then what you should have done was asked for our help, most people do not know, because they have been blindsided by firefox, that IE has a newer more up to date version that addresses all the problems associated with the older versions and it has been out for quite some time, it is called IE7.
goto the microsoft IE website and download it, I guarantee that once you have used it, you will join the ranks of the elite and never even think of downloading firefox again.
no nead for tons of space sucking plugins, because IE7 has it all built in standard, and if your browser is running slow, don't automaticaly blame your browser, look at your system, do scans for spyware and viruses, clean out your registry, check to see what programs are running in the background.
Speed up your computer by learning about it, not downloading the biggest security hole the internet has ever offered computer users around the world.
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