Friday, November 20, 2009

I can't read my e-mail and I recieve and error message from internet explorer.?

I tried that also but it was immediately resolved.

I can't read my e-mail and I recieve and error message from internet explorer.?windows server 2003

Click on the icon in the taskar near the clock, it looks like two small PC monitors, it opens to give the connection window.

Click on Compatability, then Repair

This will re-allocate the DNS and IP address, it sounds like you have got a bad LAN address set to your network or modem.

Have you re booted the PC ?? this sometimes works too.

If that does not work, check the Internet Options in Control Panel - TCP / IP settings is on AUTOMATIC.

Good Luck !!! Jim Maxwell

I can't read my e-mail and I recieve and error message from internet explorer.?windows xp service internet explorer

first what is the error message? more details needed

Check to make you u are connected to the internet try refreshing the page (press f5) sign out and try signing in again

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