Friday, November 20, 2009

My Internet explorer is showing certificate error for some can i solve this problem?

pls rply soon

My Internet explorer is showing certificate error for some can i solve this problem?windows vista ultimate

By not using internet explorer... use firefox.

My Internet explorer is showing certificate error for some can i solve this problem?default browser internet explorer

It really depends on what sites you are visiting and what certificate error you are getting.

Your browser will generally give you a certificate error on sites that contain malicious scripts and / or have certificates that are suspicious or revoked..

I would also suggest that you try running windows update to ensure you have the latest security patches... including internet explorer.. this may also resolve your issue.

Good Luck
it is not that their is something wrong with the sites though their maybe but it is doing that becuase your virus protector is scanning the encryption connection which ie detects as certificate having an error. if you turned your virus protector off you would not have this message but you are better off leaving the virus protector on because if their is really something wrong with the certificate your virus protector should be able to detect it better then ie will
i recommend you to download firefox which is way better than internet explorer here is the website

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