Friday, November 20, 2009

My Internet explorer keeps saying a error has occured + needs to end now then goes off?

its been happening for the last 2 months theres no pattern to it, its just as + when it feels like it but quite often does anyone know why this is + can anyone tell me how i find out what version of it im using + how i find out if there is a upgrade avalible

My Internet explorer keeps saying a error has occured + needs to end now then goes off?microsoft net framework

How annoying is that, I feel like putting the thing in the bin when that happens. I think PC's have a fit now and then without any apparent reason, as there's nothing wrong with my PC

My Internet explorer keeps saying a error has occured + needs to end now then goes off?windows xp themes internet explorer

hey mine does that alot too! not too sure why? think it may be due to spy ware as it tends to happen if I'm running lots of programs at once as well. so think when a spy ware is working and I'm online downloading a page or something its crashes because to much is going on??? this is just a guess though!
You're getting errors because IE generates them. This is because Microsoft hates you.

To find your version, when IE is open, click "Help" and then "About"

Firefox counts as an upgrade from IE. You may find it here
if you're using internet explorer 6 and running XP then go here for an upgrade ot internet explorer 7

have you defragged and run chkdsk lately not doing so can cause unexpected crashes
you might have a low threat virus. maybe something you downloaded of the internet. a adware virus it makes your system slow . search your computer under the C:\program files\2.bin i was experiencing these problems my self and sure enough there was my problem. if you can installe macaf trend micro pc cillin.. hope it helps..
everybody has trouble with that in ie6. it's just a bug. when that happens drag the error box down below the bottom of the screen keep on surfing the web. do not click any buttons.

be smart and get firefox. then get a plugin called fasterfox to speed it up
Have you tried Firefox?

I find it much more stable than IE and its free
I read a while ago that they shut down because of security issues my bt browser used to do it a lot it's annoying but better than trashing your computer

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